Accounts Payable

Process invoices in seconds with 99% accuracy!

Improve cash flow by reducing invoice processing time and error rates with Docsumo. With intelligent OCR technology, Docsumo offers the most reliable way to digitize your accounts payable process.

Process thousands of invoices in a day!

6 times lower in cost and 3 times faster than your current process!

Extract data from thousands of invoices with over 99% accuracy in real-time. With the help of intelligent accounts payable automation, we help you detect  duplicate invoices, identify errors and catch possible fraud.

Your toughest processes streamlined

Invoice Data Extraction

Get accurate data from tax invoices without having to write customer specific templates. Our template agnostic AI engine captures data from varying formats and validates it against purchase orders for straight through processing.

Extract data from scans and images
Extract key value pairs & line items
Validate values such as tax rate & amounts
Invoice Data Extraction
Bank Statement Data Extraction

Extract data from bank statements to excel or JSON without having to create rules for changing bank formats. Categorize transactions and get rich granular analytics for automated decision making and reconciliation.

Extract data from bank statement PDF & scans
Validate credits and debits with balance
Categorize transaction data
Get derived attributes such as average bank balance
Bank Statement Data Extraction

Drive measurable results

< 30 sec
Processing Time
Save Time

Process documents in under 2 minutes

Free your operations team from repetitive and redundant tasks, so you can save time and shift the focus of your team towards more strategic initiatives. That means you can react more quickly and customers will love you for it.

Save Costs

Reduce your back office costs

Save up to 50% on document processing and back office costs. Docsumo APIs for document classification, identification of key attributes, and data verification allow you to free your team from routine paperwork and reduce the number of paid hours they previously spent on these tasks. That means you can invest this money on scaling your business.

Cost Reduction
Improve Accuracy

Achieve 99%+ accuracy with human-in-the-loop

With our human-in-the-loop review tool, you can now automate processes that need next to 100% accuracy. Verify data rather than manual keying and increase the accuracy of your downstream processes.

Enter your metrics to find out how Docsumo can add value!

Get a free ROI report and see the impact of your document automation project.

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This is what your document processing operations could look like tomorrow
Based on real benchmarks from Docsumo customers, this is what we project for you and your team.
80 %
Straight through
$ 0
Total Cost
< 30 sec
processing  time
0 hrs
Total time
Projected ROI

Process thousands of documents per day

Easy to use
Send data through API or upload it in web app and within seconds your processed output is ready to be downloaded or send it directly to other software.
Data Safety
Your data is encrypted with the highest standards during transfer and storage. With user management, you can easily monitor data access and schedule periodic deletion of sensitive data.
Analytics & Reporting
Create work queues for your operations team and get detailed performance reports. Get weekly and monthly analytics on for your automated workflow.

Watch Docsumo in action

We’d love to show you how you can increase your productivity, process your documents faster and save operations cost!